Sunday, February 9, 2014

Collage Reflection

As I wrapped up making my collage a lot of different memories ran through my head. All of the reasons of why these people mean so much to me were solidified as I reflected on the great times we've had. I began by choosing photos of my family, and I was soon reminded of why they're the most important influence in my life. Through my brightest days and my darkest hours they have been there for me and no collage, not even an act of God, could show how much I truly appreciate them. 

Next I chose photos of my friends. My friends are what keep me moving everyday. They make me laugh , they make me smile, and they pick up the pieces when it feels as if my life is in shambles. Without them I'm not sure where I would be today, they've guided me through the most turbulent times of my life, and they've brought me the greatest memories. 

And then there's me. Not to sound narcissistic or arrogant, but without me the story of my life could not be told. My love for golf brought me many friends, friends that I can rely on. My passion for politics has enabled me to meet many great leaders like, Governor Deval Patrick, Lt. Governor Timothy Murray, Senator Ed Markey, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Vice President Biden and many more. This passion brought me to become Class President, it brought me to President Obama's Inauguration, and ultimately the opportunity to convey my message and my dream for the 21st century on the Senate floor of the State House. 

No of this would have been made possible if it were not for my family. I like to use the analogy of my life being like a house. The second floor (Me and my interests) is the sanctuary, where you go to rest and reflect, it's where you're at peace. The first floor (Friends) is where the fun is, it's where the sleepovers happen and the video games are played. Lastly the foundation (Family), it's what holds everything up and allows the fun and the laughter to be possible. A storm may break the windows and tear down the walls on the first and second floor, but no matter what the foundation will always be there, standing tall against any adversary. 


  1. Like you, I agree that family is the most important part of the collage. I never thought of myself in my collage like you did in yours, and I agree. Our stories could not be told without us, so maybe the most important part of a collage is the person who made it. Last, I thought your analogy of life being like a house was really good. I never thought of it like that but hearing how you connected friends and family with the different parts of the house was really powerful.

  2. This reflection of your collage is very good and in depth. I now understand why you love your friends and family, the game of golf and even politics. I found it very interesting to read about all the political leaders that you have met, and the fact that you got to go to President Obama's Inauguration is incredible. Very good blog, John.

  3. You seem to really have an understanding of what you wanted to convey to your viewer. I love the analogy of the house, very clever. The only spelling error I really noticed was in the third paragraph I think you may have meant none instead of no. To make your essay longer you may want to elaborate on your family and friends more. over all you have a really great piece going so far, caught my attention right away. Great Job!
