Monday, April 14, 2014

Ellen DeGeneres: This Is How We Live

In Ellen Degeneres' article, This Is How We Live, Ellen put a humorous spin on her viewpoint that technology is hurting us. She mentions that we have made advancements of things that didn't need advancing like, yogurt and car windows. But she contradicts herself in saying that things like CD packages, and toilet paper dispensers need to be improved. I think Ellen is right in a lot of ways, but I believe she is missing the larger picture. If you just look at the things like Go-Gurt, and those moving walkways in airports, then our technological advancements do seem kind of trivial. But when you look at the bigger picture and see all of the medical advancements and life-saving tools we've invented, it shows that are advancements are very beneficial. If anything I think Go-Gurt was the best invention during my childhood. No longer would I have to lug around a spoon and container of yogurt to school. The worst was when we would run out of plastic spoons and my mom would send me with one of our coveted metal spoons, and if I left that spoon at school you could kiss my yogurt rights goodbye. It's the simple inventions like Go-Gurt that have a very big impact on every day life. Those moving walkways in airports do seem to be a useless tool only to promote laziness amongst their visitors. But to an elderly person carrying a heavy suitcase, that walkway means the world to them. There's more to technology than what meets the eye. Technology's importance is purely opinionated. What may be important to you may not be important to me, and vice versa. So although I believe Ellen is very humorous in her claims, and I chuckled more than a few times, I believe there is a larger picture that she is missing in this article.